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Grounded podcast interviews Rogue Waste team to learn how the company is turning landfill biogas into renewable energy

In the November 2018 episode of Grounded —a podcast by the Oregon Department of Energy — the topic was landfill gas. More specifically, how Rogue Waste is already collecting landfill biogases to produce renewable electricity — with plans on the horizon to turn their excess biogas into clean renewable natural gas (RNG) to power its trucks.

Grounded interviewed Rogue’s Community & Governmental Affairs Manager, Laura Leebrick, and Dry Creek Landfill President, Lee Fortier, who shared an inside look at some of the innovative things happening at Rogue Waste.

Rogue Waste has a history of commitment to environmental initiatives and the podcast highlights a number of them. To learn more about how Rogue is “Walking the talk and leading the way for innovative energy technology” click here to listen to this informative Grounded podcast.

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