Keeping Rogue Valley air cleaner with CNG

Rogue Disposal & Recycling is doing its part every day to help keep the air quality in the Rogue Valley clean. Two-thirds of our fleet now runs on clean-burning Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), with the remaining trucks being converted over the next few years. Rogue Clean Fuels, our CNG fueling station in White City, is one of the only stations in the region that’s open to the public. We are also creating clean, renewable power at Dry Creek Landfill, where biogas from the landfill is converted to electricity, powering some 3,000 homes — roughly the size of the city of Phoenix. And one day, a refined version of this biogas — known as Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) — will be used to “close the loop” by powering the fleet that picks up trash and recycling at your house each week.
Learn more in this Medford Mail Tribune video interview with Garry Penning, Director of Governmental Affairs and Marketing for the Rogue Waste family of companies.
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